We’ve all watched the weather forecast on the news or tapped into a weather forecast online, but does the weather interest you more than most and would you like to make a career out of it? If this sounds like something that interests you then studying to become a meteorologist may be opportunity you’ve been waiting for! Find out how you can study to be a meteorologist when you don’t have A-Levels!
What Does a Meteorologist Do?
In short, a meteorologist works to collect and analyse data from oceans and the atmosphere and uses this to make the weather forecasts we all look to for information. In addition, meteorologists also undertake research into the atmosphere, oceans and weather as a whole to help us understand the world we live in and the impact of what we do on the environment.
A typical day for a forecasting meteorologist includes taking measurements of wind, temperatures, air pressure and humidity and using this information along with technology to predict the weather that may be heading our way.
A typical day for a research meteorologist includes studying weather patterns, water levels and climate issues to be able to predict extreme weather events that may be headed our way. In addition, you can also expect to study the way that weather advances issues such as pollution and diseases and work toward finding solutions.
I Want to be a Meteorologist – How Can I do it?
If you are aged 19 or over and do not have A-Levels then you may think that you are unable to get a career in meteorology. This is just not true! With an Online Access to HE Diploma, you can get the education you need to prepare you for university. What’s better is that an Access course only takes between 8 – 12 months to complete, giving you an expedited way to reach your goals.
Take a look at the three steps you need to take to become a meteorologist now:
- Apply and complete an Access to HE Diploma and apply for your university place. You WILL be accepted on to this course without any qualifications if you are over 19, have a computer and internet connection, can write and speak English to an average level, can follow your tutor's instructions.
- Enrol on your chosen university course and complete your studies
- With your qualifications in place, apply to be a meteorologist!
Why We Are a Great Choice
Knowing what a meteorologist does and finding out how to become one are vital steps in your journey to a career that fulfils you. However, to ensure that you achieve your goal, you will need to carefully select a Access to HE Diploma provider that will work hard for you.
At AccessCoursesOnline.com, we provide you with a online diploma course that is government-backed and guarantees to get to you university once you have completed it successfully. We have a 100% pass rate and a dedicated team of experts who are on hand to help you from the moment you contact us. If you are tired of doing a job you hate and not reaching your potential then today is a great day to take action – apply for your Access to HE Diploma now!