british policeman access courses online

How to Become a Police Officer Without Qualifications in Three Easy Steps

Do you have a passion for helping those in the community feel safe? Or maybe you want to climb the ranks or work for a specialist department? Whatever your dreams, there must be a realistic starting point. Those without the necessary A levels required to attend university may feel there are no options, but this is not the case.

Although a different route will need to be taken, those who long to serve the community and further their career can act on their goals today, thanks to the accessibility of online courses. 

Access Courses Online believes everyone should have an opportunity to follow their dreams and offers an affordable and effective means of starting your career.

Although a lot of hard work is involved, enlisting the services of Access Course Online ensures you have a practical starting point and access to a recognised diploma in as little as 12 months. If you have a desire to be a police officer, then why not take advantage of the following three-step plan?

Step 1: Ensure You Have the Skills and Traits Needed

The role of a police officer can be diverse, and understandably there can be some elements people are uncomfortable with. Ensuring you are the right fit for the position is the first step that needs to be taken.

Those wanting to be a police officer will need to be fit, have problem-solving skills and deal with many frustrating scenarios that require a calm and calculated approach. 

These skills can be acquired in many environments. Whether you have worked in a kitchen or an office in the past, many find that there are plenty of transferrable skills learned over time that can be used to become the best police officer possible.

Adding these transferable skills to what you will learn when working towards your diploma ensures you are in the best position possible to reach your career goals. 

Step 2: Enrol on Your Access to HE Course and Further Your Education

Once you have ascertained you are the right fit for the role of a police officer, you then need to ensure you can begin your education.

The next step taken can be further education with Access Course Online; take advantage of the Public Sector Services and Policing Diploma courses. 

To join the police, you need to be aged 18 or above, be a British citizen or a member of the EC or EEA, have lived in the United Kingdom for three years and possess a qualification equivalent to A level.

Some may prefer to acquire additional skills that include on-the-job training, including the role of PCSO. Although there aren’t specific requirements to carry out a role as a PCSO when working towards a diploma, some may find it gives them a realistic overview of what the role will entail. 

Step 3: Start Your Career as a Police Officer

It can take a lot of hard work to get the skills and qualifications needed to be a police officer, so those that have completed their Access to HE Diploma course should be proud of themselves and have confidence when taking the final step.

Searching for a job role as a police officer can be as easy as visiting your local constabulary’s website or using a dedicated recruitment agency. 

As you can see, just because conventional methods of becoming a police officer are not available does not mean there are no options available. Some roles are possible to access having completed the Access to HE Diploma while other roles will require you to go to university and complete a degree. The great news is that your Access to HE Diploma will get you into university should you require a degree.

Access Courses Online understands the commitment needed to fulfil a career goal, which is why it offers courses that can be completed quickly and helps those wanting to be a police officer take the necessary steps to make a fundamental change in their life. 

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